Jaromir Hainc

Prague Institute of Planning and Develpment
Head of Department


Jaromir is an authorized architect, urban planner, and tutor at the Czech Technical University in Prague, where he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and obtained a doctorate in urbanism and spatial planning. During his studies, he completed a residency at TU Delft in the Netherlands.

In his professional life, he focuses on urban development, since 2012 he has been working at the Prague Institute of Planning and Development, Prague (IPR Prague), is a co-author of the proposal of the Metropolitan Plan of Prague (new Land Use Plan), now works in the position of Head of the City Development Section, which is responsible for strategy, planning, development of localities and analytical materials.

In the years 2019-2022 he was elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Czech Chamber of Architects.

In the years 2019-2023, he was the teaching coordinator of the Development Module at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University, and one of the co-founders of Long Life Education Coureses at CTU at Real Estate Development.

During his practice, he collaborated with the OECD on the Governance of Land Use project, on spatial plans and specialized studies for Iraqi cities, and participated in many studies of development sites in Prague. Throughout his professional career, he has been active in international cooperation and in professional associations, now he supports the renewal of cities in Ukraine through EUROCITIES.

He is a member of the Metropolitan Areas EUROCITIES working group, the Urbanism working group of the Czech Chamber of Architects, a member of the Investment Expert Committee of PDS Prague and a member of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Council in Prague.