Product / Service Sustainability Days 2024

Tell the story of your city's development - with clear goals and transparent implementation

sustbl, our innovative software solution, makes a difference in urban development: it tells the transformation of your city as a comprehensible story. Combined with detailed data analysis, sustbl offers a unique platform to feel and shape the pulse of your city.

sustbl is an innovative software solution that takes the strategic management and communication of urban development to a new level. sustbl aims to enhance the transparency and accessibility of planning and implementation by translating complex processes into understandable narratives.

Particularly valuable is how sustbl strengthens cooperation between urban planners, administration, citizens and political decision-makers. By clarifying roles such as 'Who is responsible for what and why?' and linking fields of action with objectives and related urban development measures, each stakeholder group can perform its role efficiently and informatively.

Within the administration, system transparency ensures that gaps and redundancies are identified and synergies can be better utilized. Politicians gain a comprehensive overview of the complex urban development system and can drive forward long-term policies that endure beyond legislative periods and personnel changes in political bodies. The citizens of the city can obtain well-founded information about the interrelationships when making election and voting decisions, recognize the purpose of urban development projects more easily and support goal-oriented policies.

Discover with sustbl a visionary way to both steer and narrate the development of your city. sustbl combines insights into urban planning contexts with the clarity of quantitative data analysis, offering an unprecedented level of overview and comprehensibility. Whether it's tracking CO2 reduction pathways, clarifying the bigger picture of infrastructure projects or communicating the ambitions of social initiatives, sustbl makes progress comprehensible and goals clear.

By combining urban development as a meaningful and consistent narrative with data-driven precision, sustbl translates complex urban development processes into understandable stories. This not only enhances transparency and engagement among all stakeholders but also ensures that measures are strategically aligned. sustbl is your tool for feeling the pulse of the city, recognizing trends and shaping the future sustainably. Discover how sustbl is redefining urban development through the power of storytelling, supported by robust data analysis.

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