Use Case SmartSuisse 2023

Intelligent Agriculture / Smart Farming

Automatische Bewässerungssysteme für Gärtnereien, Freizeitanlagen, Sportanlagen, Golfplätze und vieles mehr. Mit dieser hochmodernen und herstellerunabhängigen Sensor to Cloud Lösung wird Ihre tägliche Arbeit um ein Vielfaches einfacher! Massgeschneiderte Lösungen sind unsere Leidenschaft.

Our IoT system is currently being used successfully at the Rusterholz AG tree farm.  

Rusterholz Baumschule AG is currently being successfully irrigated with our LoRaWan-based IoT smart farming system. The modern tree farm on Lake Zurich was able to save approx. 6000 m3 of water with our functioning sensor technology. Our customer can set the irrigation manually, fully automatically, time or volume based. Optionally, a weather station was installed to regulate the irrigation so that there is no over-irrigation due to the natural rain. Not only do you save on water and resources, but controlled irrigation also promises the customer better plant growth, healthier agricultural soil and ultimately more yield from the harvest.

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