Product / Service Sustainability Days 2024

Corporate education and sustainability

Who knows best about a company's sustainability potential? The employees. Their involvement is crucial for a successful sustainability transformation towards net-zero. myclimate sensitises and empowers employees to take active action with a wide range of training programmes.

The private sector has a crucial role to play in achieving net zero targets. For a successful sustainability transformation in a company, it is important to involve all employees. After all, they are the ones who know the company's processes, markets and sustainability potential best. For a holistic sustainability transformation, not only managers and specialists, but the entire workforce should be on board. For this reason, education needs to be increasingly understood as an important piece of the puzzle of comprehensive sustainability measures in the company and firmly anchored in the organisation.

The myclimate education portfolio from A to Z

The Swiss carbon offset foundation myclimate offers a wide range of education programmes for companies of all sizes and industries. The broad education portfolio of myclimate enables companies to sensitise their employees and learners and to promote their self-efficacy.

Training portfolio for businesses
This modular format enables specialists and managers to acquire relevant knowledge and skills on climate change and climate protection. The workshops cover different topics tailored to the respective company. As industry-specific knowledge is very individual, myclimate offers different modules that can be combined and adapted to meet individual needs. The programme promotes the implementation of effective sustainability measures in companies.

Company Challenge for apprentices
This programme enables learners to develop climate change and sustainability projects in their working environment. In this way, learners gain valuable skills in climate protection and project management and learn at an early stage how they can effectively commit to sustainable development in their company.

Support for myclimate training programmes
Enables companies to financially support myclimate education projects outside their company, e.g. the "Energy and Climate Pioneers" project in Swiss schools.

Further information can be found at:

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